Saturday, July 19, 2014

Fakebook, anyone?

Have you heard of Fakebook? It is an online tool that allows students to create a fake social profile. Why, you ask, would I want to know about this? I am so glad you asked!

You see, characterization is an important reading skill that students need in order to fully comprehend the text they are reading. Students can create the profile, based on the main characters in the text. In doing so, they are identifying the protagonist and antagonist of the story. But it gets better...

Students can create posts that the character might add if it was his/her own actual post. In doing this, students identify conflict, character traits, and can even collaborate with other students and teachers throughout the story.

Hop on over to While you are there, you can also check out the "Twister" feed and a lot of other meaningful resources. Set aside some time, because you are going to want to be here a while!

Let me know how you can use this in your classrooms! I love to hear ideas!

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