Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Another tool that Eric Lee shared with us at the technology workshop is one that I have already been using, both in the elementary classroom, as well as the college classroom.  Symbaloo is a bookmarking tool that can be used for many different projects in the classroom.

Have you ever conducted a research project with your elementary students, only to find that they are blindly searching the Internet for their information?  With a little front work from the teacher, Symbaloo can be used to prevent those incidents from happening.  Symbaloo is easy to use and can be used by the teacher, as well as students.

Some possible uses:
*Teacher selects websites for students to investigate to learn more about a certain topic,
*Students create a Symbaloo to display learning
*Teachers/Administrators can use Symbaloo to bookmark web tools that are helpful for the classroom,
*Teachers can bookmark book trailers, book talks, and other reading materials for easy access.

To create a Symbaloo, you simply sign up for your free account and click on a grey square to get started.  You will then follow the directions to copy and paste your link.  You can add as many or as few links as you would like.

Give it a try!

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